Barefoot And Fancy Free
Barefoot walking in the woods?
YES PLEASE. I know it looks bonkers and perhaps it is bonkers but it lights my primordial fire and that makes sense to me.
Grounding is a buzz word that is currently floating about the ether. The internet defines grounding, also called earthing, as “a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that ground or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body.”
In my twenties, I lived in Dublin and led quite a fast paced and chaotic lifestyle as most twenty year olds tend to do but during that time I had an over whelming feeling to roll in grass and that feeling struck me almost every day. I used to look into lovely green fields longingly and it was almost as if my body ached to be cradled by the land. Sometimes when no one was watching, I did roll in the grass and came away feeling refreshed, bemused and slightly bewildered.
I now understand that my longing was a need to ground myself and to reconnect with earth, effectively to help me stop spinning out of control. Remember being a kid and doing something you shouldn’t have and your mom ‘grounding’ you? Being grounded as a kid thought you to reassess and rethink your actions, well Mother Nature will do the same for you when you need her to.
Feeling spun out and exhausted? Get thee to the woods or the nearest patch of grass, take off your socks and shoes and GROUND yourself. It might feel weird but let’s face it, 2020 is a weird year so anything goes at this stage.
You will feel alive, reconnected to yourself and the earth, things will start to positively align in your life without effort and also, your feet will thank you.
Get barefoot and fancy free, its a lovely path to be on!
Thank you for reading. May you live wild and free.
Hilary x
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