Be Aware Of The Power Of Your Thoughts
Be aware of the power of your thoughts.
Can your thoughts change or create things? Sounds like a grand question with no definitive answer but if we break it all apart to have a good look at it, I believe it to be true.
A Japanese pseudo-scientist named Masaru Emoto hypothesised that thoughts and consciousness can effect the molecular structure of water. In his New York bestselling book The Hidden Messages of Water, he experimented with water in the hope that it would ‘react’ to the intentions set forth, whether they be positive or negative. He even claimed that polluted water could be cleaned by a process of emoting good intentions towards it.
His studies and experiments have been up for much debate over the years but I find the results to be truly mind blowing.
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He took water samples from streams that were deemed clean and also from water sources that were polluted. He froze both of the water samples, then photographed the droplets or crystals to look at their molecular structure. The clean water had beautiful geometric designs that were pleasing to the eye, the images from the polluted water were harsher looking and unsymmetrical.
Having established that polluted water looks unsymmetrical or ‘ugly’ so to speak, he then exposed the water to beautiful music, pleasing pictures and good intentions, prayers or statements like ‘thank you’ or ‘I love you’. He then photographed the ‘ugly’ water again only to find that its molecular structure had changed to more beautiful symmetrical shapes just like it’s ‘clean water’ counter part.
Similarly, he then took the beautiful water and exposed it to what he deemed was unsavoury or harsh music, showed it ugly pictures and filled it with hateful intentions and statements like ‘I want to kill you’ or ‘I hate you’. He then photographed the molecular structure of the beautiful water and it had changed to a displeasing fractured shape or had become ‘ugly’. See image below for the results of one of many of Emoto’s water experiments.
Visual guide to Emoto’s water experiment
So if you choose to believe in these findings and I personally do, then the advancement of that thought process is this. If you can change the molecular structure of your water by filing it with love, positivity and high vibrational energy .ie your thoughts, then that would infer that you can do the same with your body which is made up of 60% water. This could be the power in our own hands to change the molecular structure of our bodies through harnessing our positive thoughts. It could be as simple as thinking good, can make you feel good.
Furthermore, water is the source of all life and the planet is made up of 70% water much the same as our bodies, so can we change the molecular structure of our world on a very fundamental level with the power of good intentions and positivity? I believe we can.
In short raise, it may be our responsibility to raise our personal vibes with good intentions and just perhaps, we may attempt to save the world… but it all starts within ourselves.
Thank you for reading. May you live wild and free.
Hilary x